Assessment and Recommendation Tool for Medical Travel Facilitators

ART-MTF assesses medical travel facilitators' competencies, offering tailored recommendations for skill improvement and enhanced performance in the industry.
Measurement scales display five levels of competency evaluation.
There are four competency perspectives: KCC, PBC, FC, and VEC. Users can evaluate their own performance and receive suggestions to improve their competencies.

Limited experience with the competency; may need extensive supervision to perform this competency.

Basic level of competency in comprehension and task performance, requiring guidance.

Able to conduct tasks independently with satisfactory results; complex problems may still be difficult.

Proficient in handling complicated problems related to this competency with efficiency and flexibility.

Highly skilled in this competency; ability to
manage all situations, particularly complex ones, efficiently; can educate others in this ability.

Capacity to comprehend and apply expert knowledge in the MTF field

Healthcare knowledge

Medical knowledge
Comprehends and communicates medical information; explains medical procedures and terminology; facilitates patient interactions with healthcare providers; handles cases from basic to extremely complex, with expert-level capabilities.

Healthcare provider information
Understands and matches patients with healthcare providers in the context of medical tourism; assesses and selects proper providers; has knowledge of healthcare standards and quality communication; has expertise extending to complex cases and mentorship capabilities.

Legal knowledge

Comprehends and applies legal principles within the medical tourism context; encompasses identification, advice, and engagement with legal matters; stays abreast of the evolving legal landscape.

Understands and manages insurance aspects of medical tourism; encompasses comprehensive knowledge, effective communication, and staying current with evolving insurance policies and regulations.

Tourism knowledge

Travel and leisure
Orchestrates personalized travel experiences; provides invaluable destination insights to enhance medical tourists' journeys.

Ability to regulate emotions and exhibit interpersonal skills, self-Management, and effective communication


Language proficiency
Uses English and appropriate languages in medical tourism; conveys difficult terminology to broad audiences.

Medical communication
Uses medical terminology to explain complex issues; adapts communication to varied healthcare situations; allows clear and accurate dialogues.

Delivers medical tourism presentations; explains complicated issues; adapts to varied audiences; manages enquiries well; maximizes audience involvement and comprehension.

Personal character

Service mind and empathy
Promotes trust and pleasure through compassionate, patient-centered treatment and ongoing improvement in this critical service.

Attention to detail
Manages all aspects of medical tourism and ensures precise, error-free, and exceptional service delivery.

Maintains positivism, resilience, and passion to improving patients' journeys; medical tourism professionalism

Good personality
Positive attributes like empathy, patience, and cheerfulness help build patient trust and comfort.

Continuous learning
Continuous professional development, knowledge extension, and industry updates for greater performance.

Maintains operational excellence by adapting plans and tactics to medical tourism changes.

Increases patient trust and satisfaction through meeting duties, managing responsibilities, and being accountable.

Building partnerships

Engages and coordinates multiple medical tourism stakeholders; uses cross-functional coordination and efficient communication to improve outcomes.

Working with medical team
Collaborates with healthcare professionals; measures their ability to understand roles, communicate effectively, and contribute to medical team dynamics for optimal patient care.

Problem-solving and decision-making

Deal with the problem
Identifies, analyzes, and solves medical tourism issues, using experience and creativity to improve the sector.

Decision and delegation
Decides strategically and delegate tasks in medical tourism

Ability to perform specific tasks required in the MTF role, including profession-specific actions

Medical service planning and organizing

Medical process management
Manages medical tourism procedures with efficient, coordinated, and patient-centered care.

Document management
Manages medical tourism documents, ensures storage, accessibility, and legal compliance, and improves operations.

Translation management
Manages medical tourism translation processes, providing cooperation, cultural sensitivity, and clear communication.

Customer focus

Facilitate customer
Understands, coordinates, and improves the medical tourism experience by addressing customer demands, including complicated scenarios, and mentoring peers in customer facilitation.

Cultural learning
Understands and respects medical tourism's cultural diversity; adapts, communicates, and provides culturally appropriate care; handles cultural nuances; and creates ecosystem-wide cultural competency.

Information technology

Information system
Manages, optimizes, and strategically uses information systems in medical tourism for operational excellence and patient care.

Professional email communication includes writing clear, organized, and productive emails, mastering email etiquette, and handling high-volume email traffic in medical tourism.

Social media
Social media for medical tourism, content creation, engagement, analytics, and trending promotion and communication.

Marketing and commercial

Applies advertising ideas to medical tourism includes strategy, campaign execution, performance analysis, and ethical and regulatory compliance.

Uses persuasive strategies in medical tourism to influence decisions while retaining trust and ethics.

Tourism planning and organizing

Travel and accommodation management
Improves medical tourists' experiences by organizing customised, seamless travel logistics and lodgings.

Ability to make ethical decisions and consistently act in accordance with personal values and principles

Honesty and transparency

Building trust
Develops and maintains medical tourism patient and provider trust; includes conflict resolution and mentorship.

Law control
Understands and manages medical tourism legal issues, guides others, and predicts and plans for legal issues.

Consent awareness
Manages medical tourism consent processes, including informed decision-making, effective communication, and policy contributions.

Professional ethic

Ethical and moral decision
Manages medical tourism ethical issues and impacts industry practices.

Liability and risk acceptance
Assesses, monitors, and innovates medical tourism risk and liability procedures.

Overall scores of knowledge and cognitive competency (KCC).

Medical knowledge


Healthcare provider information






Travel and leisure


Overall scores of personal and behavioral competency (PBC).

Language proficiency


Medical communication




Service mind and empathy


Attention to detail




Good personality


Continuous learning






Working with a medical team


Deal with a problem


Decision and delegation


Overall scores of functional competency (FC).

Medical process management


Document management


Translation management


Facilitate customer


Cultural learning


Information system




Social media






Travel and accommodation management


Overall scores of values and ethical competency (VEC).

Building trust


Law control


Consent awareness


Ethical and moral decision


Liability and risk acceptance
